Day Two- Chinatown, Greek Town and Shedd Aquarium

JP and I took the L
everywhere around Chicago. It was great cheap and on time transportation. It makes me think that someday when the
LRT in Minneapolis can actually connect suburbs and cities we might actually be able to get rid of our car.

This was a beautiful welcome sign when we entered Chinatown. It was great exploring the shops...I was getting low on shoes and was able to purchase two really neat pairs. I also got a great print for our living room wall. Stopped for a small snack of veggie dumplings, crab won tons and pork
pot stickers.

After Chinatown we took the L to
Greektown. We weren't really sure where it was so we ended up walking a few blocks before we hit a great little
eatery. We were both so
exhausted that we ordered a beer and just relaxed. We bought two bottles of wine from the restaurant that had been directly imported from Greece. Then we walked over to this bakery for some sweets. Pictured above are some of the great items we bought there.

That night we went to here jazz music at the Shed Aquarium. This happens every Thursday. It's $10 to get in and most of the exhibits are open. The jazz was great and truly complimented the atmosphere. The coral reef was my favorite part...amazing colors.

This is what Chicago looked like as we were heading back into the city to our hotel. JP and I walked along the water's edge to Navy Pier and then cut back in. What a beautiful night.
Day Three-Taste of Chicago and Pizza

JP and I got to The Taste around 11:00 on Friday. We headed right to the cooking tent and watched a little cooking demonstration by the chef from the Chicago Botanical Gardens. The shot above is right off Lake Michigan.

Our first "taste" was a fried plantain and steak sandwich with garlic mayo. Wow! Talk about amazing... It was one of the best mini sandwiches I've ever had. We also tried some mango chutney fries.

After The Taste JP and I took an architectural boat cruise with some of
JP's friends. Then we all headed to Pizzeria Due. Talk about a packed place...We waited about an hour for pizza and a seat, but man was it worth it. I seriously think it was the best deep dish pizza I've ever had. A friend had told me to go to Gino's East, but it was the 4
th and all places were packed so we just stuck it out.

Thursday and Friday were both long and wonderful days. I think we walked a minimum of 6 miles a day around the city. It was hot and humid, but that didn't keep us down. We were two crazy ladies on the town.
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