We had another appt with the diabetes nurse and Dr. M on Friday. All of the blood levels look really good and the nurse was impressed with my after birth weight goals. I'm hoping all this crazy weight loss propels me into a perpetual normal weight level. I thinking sticking closer to the diabetes diet I've been on will really help my body maintain it's ideal weight. What can I say my metabolism really likes when I eat meals all day long. As for the OBGYN appt, I lost another 2lbs. so we're back at -8lbs, great blood pressure, still measuring 36cms, and great heart beat. The fact that Frankie and I leveled off the growth is really substantial since last time we went to see Dr. M I measured 36cms and was only 32.5 weeks. Last Friday we were 34.5 weeks--turning 35 weeks on Sunday. Dr. M was really happy with everything. We talked about some new pains I was having and he said they we're probably just my bones separating in preparation. Ohhhh speaking of preparation....
We took our first birthing class at Methodist Hospital. It was great. Our instructor (from NY) was full of funny and positive tales. She talked about all the stages of labor, distractions we can use (aromatherapy, music therapy, massage), pre-labor detection and the different positions for labor. The Methodist birthing rooms are beautiful. Nicer than some hotel rooms I've stayed in. They have TV's, DVD players, CD players, private bathrooms with really deep tubs and hard wood floors. We learned some breathing exercises and some ideas to mix things up during labor. It was a great class altogether. We go for our last one this Saturday.
This weekend Tim put in an exhaust fan in the bathroom, I washed the pre-fold diapers, cleaned the baby's room from top to bottom, cleaned and organized the bathroom from top to bottom and then Sunday had my first Braxton Hicks contractions. I thought I might have experienced them before, but we were standing in Target and all of a sudden I told Tim to wait and my whole belly seized up. It was as hard as my forehead, which our birthing class instructor told us was a sign. We went home and I laid down and drank a lot of water. I knew they weren't real because they didn't hurt and didn't progress, but I will totally admit that I got really scared. So, I took yesterday off to catch up on some much needed sleep and did nothing all day. Tim and Molly spent all of last night teasing me about my need to over work myself. I know part of it is nesting and I know another part of it is that I want everything to be perfect for Frankie's arrival and I don't think he's going to wait the full 5 weeks. Coonsie gets here in 3 weeks and I've officially told Frankie that he has to wait until Saturday, November 15th to start anything. Knowing my son he's not going to pay much attention to my instructions.
I have to admit that the "TO DO LIST" keep getting longer every week, but I'm trying to make sure I manage my time better so that I actually get some time to hang out with Tim before we become officially 3! This weekend was a good lesson in slowing down, not that I haven't heard that before. This weekend should be full of fun: a Halloween party, Frances' birthday party, and another shower! Till we have more news.....
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