Last week I was able to take off a day of work and flew to Milwaukee on Wednesday morning. The trip was extra special because Frank got to meet his Auntie Val and Uncle Tom for the first time. He also got to stay at Auntie Lynn's house and go to Will and Jack's house for the first time. We had a lot of fun playing and trying to cool off!

Will and Frank at a restaurant.

Frank with Auntie Lisa and Auntie Lynn after an exciting meeting with come chocolate custard.

Frank and Will playing.

Frank playing at Will and Jack's house.

Auntie Val and Uncle Tom with The
Dallums minus Daddy.

Seven Bridges in Milwaukee

Frank kept saying "
Shhhh wa-
wa," which was something we taught him on our trip to CO.

Frank playing in Lake Michigan.

Na-Na watching Frank get totally wet. Whoops, mom forgot to bring his swimsuit.

So, to sneak in some goods news...can you tell I've got a little belly? Yes, that's right The
Dallums are expecting
number 2 March 1st. Okay to be realistic part of the belly is from having my mom in town...she's a great sweets lover and so am I. So the two of us together are TROUBLE. I've just made it into my second
trimester and I feel great.

Okay, I just couldn't resist the butt shot. He's tall and skinny like his Daddy.

Frank with his cousins swimming at Lake

Frank at his first FISH FRY!

Auntie Lynn, Na-Na and Auntie Val waiting for food.

YUM, fried fish and fries.

Auntie Janet helps Frank.

Okay not the greatest family picture, but you get the idea.

Frank after the Fish Fry with all his cousins:Jack, Emma, Will and Olivia

Jumping on the trampoline with Auntie Val and Daddy.

Making funny faces with Na-Na.

Laughing with Auntie Val.

Wearing his Go-Go G hat given to him by Auntie Val and Uncle Tom.
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