This picture was taken the night we flew in. The fam was celebrating Daniel's birthday and Leah was kind enough to drive by the pub on the way back to her house. Pictured are Kiki, Micah, Me, Jared, Daniel (holding Frank), Phil, Leah, Matthew and Tara.

Friday we went to Christina's house to pick up all the stuff she lent us for the trip. We totally appreciated not having to lug a car seat and pump all the way from MN. Thank you Christina, Jason, Jonas and Christian.
This is a pic of Jonas getting ready to go to the park. He kept telling us it was time to go.

Here's a picture of Christian, Frank and Jonas playing in their backyard.


Christina and Christian at the park.

Frank eating a boat.

Frank says give me that shovel or I'll eat you! I love the look on his face.

Thanks for sharing your toys and snack Christian and Jonas.

Jonas and I are buddies and love to run around together.

After the park we went to Auntie Kiki's for a quick visit so Frank could take a nap. Once he woke up we went in the pool. He loved how warm it was.

Micah's friends were over and loved playing with Frank.

Micah spent a lot of time hanging out with Frank on the visit. Thank you Micah for giving up time with your friends to hang out with us.

Mom and Frankie in the pool.
After the pool we went back to Auntie Pegge's house. That night Jason and Rachael came in from San Diego to hang out with us. I also picked up Allie and Tim from the airport.
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