Today Frank and I spent the morning talking about gardens and starting our fist seedlings. I guess I could have done this a couple of weeks ago, but it was way more fun having a pair of little hands to helps. That being said we needed a warm day to take everything outside.

I used some old egg cartons and got the ready to plant as Frank was having his morning nap. I decided to start with herbs as that's usually what I spend most of my veggie garden budget on.

I asked Frank to help by poking holes for the seeds.

Notice the dirt on his finger.

He also enjoyed picking up the dirt and throwing it.

What a BOY!

Then we took a break to play.

He liked pushing the truck along our picnic table.

Then we watered the plants. You'll notice that I stuck toothpicks in the cartons. Once we were done watering I covered the cartons with plastic wrap and put them in the sun. I'll set them outside everyday now while we're at work and then bring them in for the night. Hopefully, we'll see some sprouts in about a week.
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